Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thing #15

My delicious bookmarking page has tagged sites for technology lessons, music, and audio books. This is a much easier way to search for sights that you need in a hurry.  My bookmarks get so big and unorganized that it takes me forever to find what I am looking for.  I also enjoy that you can write notes that will remind you about the content in the site.

I have teachers ask me all the time for lessons for the computer lab.  Now, I have a place to save resources where I can easily get to them.  This goes for anything. All I have to do is search a keyword and all of those sites will pop up.  

I am ready to import all of my bookmarks into delicious!


Debbie said...

Importing is easy to do and if they are in folders delicious tags them with the folder name plus gives them all a tag of imported.s

Deryl said...

When I imported my bookmarks they all imported and "do not share" which is good because I can individually then decide if I what to share a link or not. When you import yours let me know how yours end up importing. In the Thing 15 instructions it says that they will import all shared. Just wondering if that behavior has changed or if I had something set differently.