Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thing #4

I have never sat down and read blogs before.  I am beginning to really enjoy them.  I have realized to get anything out of it though, you have to be interested in what they are discussing.  That is probably true for most things.  The comments are fascinating as well, it give you a whole new outlook on the article that you just read.  It is an expansion on what was written.  If you are like me, sometimes I want to know more and the article just leaves me hanging, wondering... what next.  To read these comments, it really opens the door for more discussion and learning.  

The no homework blog was very interesting, and there was quite a discussion.  I really enjoyed her research over this topic.  I enjoyed reading comments on what has worked and what hasn't. All teachers are different but sights like this teaches us so much. We do not have to have a staff development over it, we can read blogs on teachers who have actually implemented this.  This is true for the new way of creating PowerPoint.  The learning that can come from blogs is overwhelming.  

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thing #2

Our World is changing and we need to change with it or we will be left behind. Web 2.o gives many ideas on ways to get your students engaged in learning. The opportunities are endless, which makes you wonder where to start. It can provide many ways to communicate with parents to teachers, teachers to students, as well as parents to students.

"A Day in the Life of WEb 2.0" helps me to realize that our students our digital learners. The old fashion way of teaching is not practical when it comes to the way our world has changed in the aspect of technology. Students enjoy using technology to learn, create, explore, etc. It engages them in a way that reaches a multitude of learners.

Web 2.0 tools can be used by learning how to blog and create wiki's that may by used to teach educators how to use these resources in their classroom. It will provide a different way of communicating as well as learning new sources of teaching that can be implemented into the classroom.

Thing #1

The most challenging habit for me will be #3, View problems as Challenges. Most of the time I can deal with problems when I have time to fix them. When time is limited is when it gets really challenging. I will have to use my additional help if it gets to rough.

The easiest habit as a lifelong learner is #2, Accept responsibility for your own learning. Our district provides a lot of opportunity to grow as a life long learner. Mentors, Staff Development, Tutorials, are all provided to help us grow in our academic realm. These things are offered to us for free which allows us to take advantage of the opportunity to learn.

The most important habit will be #7, Teach/Mentor others. I am in a position that will help provide resources to teachers, that will help them become knowledgeable on all the possibilities of Web 2.0.