Friday, November 28, 2008

Thing 20

My initial thoughts about Google Docs was that you could download files from your computer to share.  I didn't realize that you could actually create them in Google Docs.  I am a little confused on one thing though.  Do all people involved have to have a google account?

I am always sending out URLs on different resources for teachers to use in their classroom.  I could create a web page of these URLs and keep adding to it or change it from year to year.  The teachers could add to it as well.  I enjoy feedback from them as well, and Google Docs would allow me to do that in many ways, by a shared document or by using a form.  Google Docs can also be used for proofreading.  I often have my friends proofread my documents before they are sent out, this would be very helpful in that aspect.  

I really like the idea that there are not a huge amount of copied documents, there is only one document shared among many people.  I can see how this tool would be very helpful.  All we need now is Google to be unblocked.


Deryl said...

Yes everyone collaborating or viewing a document would needs to have a Google account. So far I haven't found a way around this. Google will soon be unblocked and we'll have an easy mechanism for teachers to have Google account.