Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thing #7b

I read a very interesting blog from my Google Reader. It was called "Is It Okay to be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?" I really enjoyed this blog, because I think about this quite often. I am a tech facilitator and I have teachers that have no interest at all to learn new technology or to even use it for teaching. They will give every excuse in the book to not come to the computer lab. I try to give them ideas on things that they can do in the computer lab, which makes me excited for the students. Those ideas are often shot down. I know that what they really need is just a little training to get them comfortable. The only way to get comfortable is to actively participate. They can't deny that students are more engaged when technology is being used. Why not learn new ideas for the classroom to better engage the students? We have the resources in Mesquite to do that, so their really is no excuse.

Great Blog!!


Deryl said...
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Deryl said...

I agree that we do have the resources and at this point should be further along the path of technology literacy and integrating. I don't just blame the reluctant teacher however who seems comfortable in this situation. I blame the illiterate administrator for fostering an environment that makes this lack of effort and concern acceptable.